I really wanted to blog about a very special moment that the 3 of us had. May seem silly to some but it was something I don't ever want to forget!
The other night at like 2 in the morning Zach and I were up with Rayni. She was just starting to fall asleep and was pulling the most funniest faces. Zach and I sat on our bed just staring at her and cracking up laughing (quietly) at those precious faces. I have loved all 3 of us being home together. And we have been so lucky to have Daddy home with us all the month of January. It has been the greatest to have him here so that we can experience the joys of our newborn together. I know that not all Daddy's get that opportunity.
There are a few faces that seem to be in Rayni's everyday looks that just crack us up. Here are a few:

She does it when she is awake.... and when she is asleep. I am always rubbing my finger inbetween her brows getting her to relax. hahah! So next time you are holding her don't take it the wrong way if you get this look. We are starting to think it is the look of love;)
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