I can't believe it... my baby is 1 month old!!!! Like the title says it has been the best 32 days of my life, it has also been some of the hardest 32 days of my life too. But it is nothing that I would trade for anything in the world.
Just within the past couple of days we have noticed the biggest changes in Rayni Lou. She follows things with her eyes, She recognizes her surroundings, she has been smiling at us and her puppy:) She is starting to get cries for different things that she wants, and she loves play time.
We have always thought that Rayni has been smiling from the time that she was born. When Zach held her for the first time at the hospital he could have sworn that she smiled at him. But my mom said that it was just gas. There were other times that it really seemed like she was smiling at us and everyone said that it was just gas. Everytime someone said that I would say, "No... my girl knows how to smile!" When I was telling a friend of mine that took our pics about this she said, "I know I think that it is weird that gas would make a baby smile... it makes adults get a sour look on thier face and moan." I thought that that was so perfect. We still think that they were little smiles. But lately it has been very obvious that she is smiling at the people around her. She loves to lay on the floor by her puppy's bed and just stare and smile at him. She loves to lay on her blanket and play, smile at us while we play and sing with her. She also loves to wiggle her body when I sing "Our" song. It is so fun to see how much she is growing and responds to us.
Her other newest thing that she does is when she wakes up from her nap she sometimes does this fake cry. As soon as I walk in her room and she sees me she stops crying and her legs and arms start going a million miles an hour with excitement. And she gets the happiest look on her face. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it already... we are in trouble:)
She has gotten so big to Zach and I. She is starting to wear 3 month clothes. She can still wear NB they fit good around her middle. But seems to be close to being too short in the arms and legs. And the 3 month clothes are long enough in the arms and legs but big around her middle. So we go back and forth between sizes. It seems to be that one day she woke up and was bigger. I was thinking it all through the day and when Zach came home from work and picked her up he said to me that he thought she seemed bigger all the sudden today. Crazy how that is... and makes me sad. I don't want to blink because I might miss something with how fast time is flying by and how fast she is growing.
I am so grateful for getting the chance to feel this kind of love. You wouldn't believe that you could love something so much. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for giving me this chance to have this experience. I wouldn't be able to do it without his help. I pray for patience and help every day. This experience has helped me grow closer to my Heavenly Father and Savior. It has helped me grow closer to my hubbie and it has given me the opportunity to feel the kind of love that our Father in Heaven has for us. So many great blessing that have come from this little angel. When she reads this years from now I want her to know how much she is loved by reading this post!
Here are some of my favorite pics that we have shot through out the month:

She discovered her thumb and this is how she decided to suck on it... while grabbing her face.
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