Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was such a fun day with my daddy! I can not say enough great things about him. He is my hero, my best friend, my rock, my goof ball, and the one that puts a smile on my face. 

We began our day by waking daddy up and having some fun play time in the sheets! I was full of giggles and stories to tell him. We sang, read some books, kicked, and laughed. 

Then Mommy and I surprised daddy with a breakfast. This is what he saw when he walked out of his bedroom:
Mommy and I made blueberry pancakes, cut some roses from our garden and made a cute sign that doesn't show up on the camera very well. I couldn't quite say surprise... but when he walked out I wiggled and giggled in excitement to show him what we had been up to all morning. 

On Friday when Daddy was at work my mommy made him a sports wall in our basement for his Father's day gift. She wanted him to come home from work surprised. And oh he was:) My mommy has taken over all the other rooms in our house so she thought that it would be fun to let him have a room to himself. 
My Daddy is a big Yankees fan so that is what she based most of the wall on. To the left is a picture of my daddy's best friends after their softball game. The picture on the right is a picture of me watching him play softball. And it says, "Daddy's biggest fan" which I am. The shoes are my poppy's shoes when he used to play ball. 
So much manly fun in a girly house.

We ended the day at a duck pond by our house. I LOVED the ducks. I was so mesmerized by them. My mommy and I sang "5little ducks" one of my favorite songs. 

this is me talking to the ducks. They understand my jabbers.

me and mommy singing

My hero and I
P.s. I no longer just say mama... Dada is now in my vocabulary. Mommy will need to catch in on the camera, but I'm sneaky;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Sweetest Word

This brings such joy to my heart and a smile on my face!


"Mother is the name of for God on the lips and hearts of all children" 
Eric Dravin 

Not to say that I am comparing myself to God in no way shape or form... in-fact I feel very unworthy of the word at times. But given the opportunity to be a mother and to be called one is the greatest blessing. In a recent letter from my brother that I got on Mother's Day while in the Phillippines on a mission he said: 
'Sis you have been blessed with one of the greatest blessing, being a mom. But remember, "With great power comes great responsibility!"'(Spider Man) 

It is a huge responsibility to be a mom and to be held responsible for my little Rayni's life. At times it can be a little overwhelming! But to hear that sweet word come out of her mouth makes it all seem just a bit easier! 

These two quotes I found makes me want to do a little more every day to to serve my Heavenly Father's very special daughter:

"Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels."
--The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
God trusts women so much that He lets them bear and care for His spirit children.
--Elder Neal A. Maxwell.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 month little lady

5 months? 5 MONTHS!?! I can not believe that my baby is 5 months old! She is out of control thinking that she can grow up as fast as she is. I am a couple of weeks late getting this post up because our lives are going a hundred miles an hour. But I needed to get this up before she is 6 months old. Lou is just continuing to get the funnest personality. She is all smiles and giggles. She has not gotten anymore teeth since her bottom two but she acts like she is going to get some any day. She shoves everything and anything she can in her mouth. She eats cereal from a spoon and has done such a great job from the beginning. Since we have started cereal she has chunked right up. The legs are rolling around the diaper and I joke that she has a gorilla bumb... The cutest bumb around! she no longer gets mad when she is on her belly. She truly has been so much fun to get to know. 

Here are some fun movies and photos of the past month:

Rayni covering her face. And talking to her audience


She loves to eat her kiwi stuffed animal

Mama and Rayni on mother's day

Little miss independent

My First mother's day gift from Rayni with the help of her sweet babysitter

she LOVES tags. If there is a tag she will find it!

What do you think? Do we look like twins??? (Sorry my pic is blurry)

Poppy and uncle ray ray playing on the floor