Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day and The Women in My Life

I could not be more excited to do this post. Sunday was a very special day for me! it was my very first Mother's day being a Mama! last year on mother's day it was right in the middle of us trying to get pregnant. I remember sitting in sacrament meeting and it was towards the end when my tears started flowing after holding them in all day. I felt silly and was trying to hide my emotions but my Hubbie knows me best. He gave me his shoulder to cry on and wrapped his arm around me. I felt silly when the young women handed me a flower because I didn't feel 'worthy' of one. I wasn't a mommy yet. Well to my surprise I found out just a few days after mother's day that I was pregnant. So on mother's day I truly was a mom:) of course we were still hesitant because of our record in the past with getting pregnant. But it was still the best feeling to know that maybe... Just maybe I get to be a mom this time around!

Well our day began and my hubbie and I were getting ready in our bedroom while Rayni was laying on the floor watching us ever so intently. I was starring at her at one point and was thinking about my Mother's day experience last year. Right at that same moment Zach asked me, "Do you remember last year?" I looked up at him and shook my head yes. I then told him that it was funny he said that right at that moment because I was just thinking about it. "I can't believe that we have come so far from that day! Look at what we have!!!" Couldn't have been more grateful than I was at that moment.
Our day was full of fun with the Family. Breakfast at the in-laws and sacrament meeting. Lunch at Grandma Wangsgaard's, and then off to my Parent's to wait to Skype with Uncle Bubba! First time ever that he got to see Rayni (besides pics) Her face was the first thing that he saw when we appeared on his screen. It was so fun for her and him to be able to see each other. Can't wait till it is in person!

I also had the not so fun experience of feeling so helpless for my Rayni. She was exhausted from the day and is starting to get her bottom fang teeth. By the time we were heading home after a long day she was SCREAMING in the back seat. On the way to my parent's house she was also very upset and it made it more difficult to see her face so I decided that on the way home I wasn't going to sit back there because her face killed me. But instead I sat in the front seat with tears pouring down my face because I wanted so badly to take her pain away from her. It was killing me!!! All I could do was hold my hand back there and let her squeeze it for dear life like she was. I wanted so badly to hold her but knew that if we stopped and I got her out it would make it worse putting her back in. So we just held each other's hand and cried together. As soon as we got home it was out of the carseat as quick as a blink and in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder with her little whimpers and it felt so good to comfort her! This made me think about how our Heavenly father must feel when we are in pain. I'm sure he wishes so badly that he could take it from us but sometimes there are things that we just need to go through to come out stronger on the other side. And what a blessing it is to have our brother and Savior know how we feel when we are going through pain and trials.

There have been times that I have gotten frustrated with trying to balance and juggle all that life has handed to us, not sure if I am doing a good job, doing what I am supposed to be doing,or doing enough of what I should be doing. My hands at times shake with unsurity and doubt. raising one of Heavenly Father's children and being held responsible for her life is a scary thought. And that is when I find myself praying for my Heavenly Father's help!

 I read this quote on my friend's page who is a mother of 4 sweet babies... 3 of which are triplets. I often think of her and think that if she can do it then I can too. Jess you are an inspiration to me!

 Remember, remember all the days of your motherhood: “Ye have not come thus far save it were by the   word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.” You are doing God’s work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.” And it will make your children whole as well". ~Jeffery R. Holland

After getting Rayni comforted, in her PJs, fed, and all swaddled up for bed I sat there with her in my arms while rocking her, singing to her, and kissing her as many times as I could while she looked up at me with her big blue eyes with the biggest smile on her face. The tears once again came pouring down my face like they had a year ago. But this time it was with more joy that I thought was impossible to feel. We sat there and just looked at eachother for the longest time... I couldn't put her down. I just was loving that feeling and loving her so much!!! I am truly blessed to be given the opportunity to be a mom! There is no greater calling for me than to be given the chance to raise this precious angel. She truly is the light of my life!!!

Now I can't talk about Mother's day without mentioning my angel mother! My mama is such an example to me. She has taught me how to love, forgive, be a mom, be a homemaker, be happy, and to have a testimony. Without my mom my family would not be... not only for her sacrifice of having/raising my brother's and I but for her willingness to forgive when no one expected her to. She has been the glue and the example to not only my family but to everyone around her. She truly is an angel sent from above and without her I don't know where I would be today! I know that up in Heaven there was not a second thought or an ounce of hesitation when I chose her to be my mother. I'm sure she was my best friend in Heaven and I couldn't bare the thought of being without her. I am blessed to be in her presence! Thank you mom for being the AMAZING WOMAN and MOTHER that you are!

There are so many other amazing Mother examples in my life. Thank you all for your love and support! Under 'mother' in the dictionary you would all be there!

My Beautiful Grammy! This woman is amazing! She is always there for me when I need to talk to someone! She is everyone's best friend!!!
This is my Grandma Wangsgaard... the mom of 9! She is one strong and amazing person!
This amazing woman helped raise me and taught me so much! She babysat me since I was 6 weeks old and is still apart of my life! I love my Helen!
Can not say enough good things about this lady here! She has been to Hell in a hand basket several times and has always com back on top! Such an inspiration to me. She makes me want to be a better person. My sweet sister Amy
This is my sweet mother in law. She is always so kind and makes sure that everyone is taken care of before she even starts thinking of herself.
These two girls (the one above and the one below) Are my connected at the hip best friends/cousins/sisters! I love these girls. Kenna (above) Is a mother and is such an inspiration of a loving and compassionate mom. Mal (below) is not a mother yet. But She will be an amazing one one day:)
My sister Andee. This woman has also been through a lot but is still always mindful of others. Made a long last minute trip down to see my Rayni be born. 

As you can see I am surrounded by wonderful women. I have truley been blessed! So many great examples, love and support! Thanks to all of you for being who you are!

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Ray of Sunshine!

Where have these 4 months gone! It is amazing how fast time is flying by. I wish I could freeze it at times but I know that I would miss out on other great memories. Rayni is growing so fast! Everyone is noticing and can't believe all the milestones she has already accomplished. Our little bug is rolling over and holding her entire chest up when on her tummy, She has discovered her voice, she has two teeth,she is so alert and observant, she sleeps through the night, and just the other day she got her knees tucked up under her belly. I keep telling her to stop... but she has already started to not listen to her mama... little stinker.

She has brought so much joy to our lives and has taught us so many lessons. We have learned to be more patient with her, each other, and everyone else around us. We have learned to not worry and stress about things that we can't control. Our new family saying "It is what it is"! We, or I, have learned that I can't be perfect... it's ok if the dishes aren't done and the laundry is building. I would much rather be soaking up everything I can with my girl than having the cleanest house on the block.

I love this quote from president Thomas S. Monson: “Rather than dwelling on the past, we should make the most of today, of the here and now, doing all we can to provide pleasant memories for the future…If you are still in the process of raising children be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled, will disappear all too soon, and that you will, to your surprise, miss them, profoundly.” 

  Zach and I try to show Rayni how much we love her every day. we are big TV watchers and there have been so many times that the TV has been turned off just so we could stare at our angel. There are so many things that we have done without because we love our little family and we love to be together.

 Another great quote by President Monson: “To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them, but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon our Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day and as you deal with the challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.”

Not only is Miss Rayni Loved by her parents but she is loved by so many around her. She has such wonderful grandparents that love and support her. Her grandparents that live in Idaho (Zach's dad and step mom) call and ask about her and made a couple of trips up to see her. Zach's mom and step dad that make Sunday dinner for us (even though she can't enjoy that yet)And My mom and dad, Grammy Lou and Poppy,That are more than willing to spend time and watch her for us so we can go out every once in a while. She has a great Grandma that we call Grammy Rayni (who Rayni was named after) that just can't seem to get enough of her. She has given Rayni a book that she loves when I read it to her... trying to grab the pictures and hitting the book with excitement and a lamb that she loves to give kisses to. She has only seen her grandma Wangsgaard once... but can't wait to get to know her more. She has a loving uncle Bubba who is in the Philippines on a mission right now that asks about her in all of his letters. She will get to see him for the first time on mother's day when we skype with him. She has a sweet Uncle Ray Ray that loves to hold her and play with her. She has an 3 (one technically a cousin but we call aunt Kila) aunties in Oregon that are always asking about her and praying for her. An uncle that is proud to serve our country to keep her safe. Two auntie M's that are her mommy's connected at the hip best friends/cousins/sister that just love and adore her. And lots lots more cousins, aunts, and uncles that love to squeeze and kiss her. She is one lucky girl to have such a wonderful family that can't get enough of her!

Some of the nick-names she has gotten over the past couple of months:
Grammy Lou- Miss Rayni Lou Hoo
Poppy- Peanut
Daddy- Rayni woo
Mommy- punkin pie, muffin,love, and most favorite Lou Lou
 Because I started calling her Lou Lou she loves me to sing the song to her "Lou Lou skip to my Lou"

 her stats:
24 1/2 inches long (90th)
12.15 pounds (25th)

Iwas worried about the weight but the Dr. said that she eats plenty and that she has the chunker chunk (what mama calls it) on her so she is just going to be one tall skinny thing.

Some sweet things about her: She loves loves loves hands. Any time she is fussy we put our hands in front of her and she loves to explore them. She is always hanging on to either our hands or our shirts when we are holding her. She loves to suck on her toes she still loves to sing She has become quite the chatter box and loves to tell stories.

Here are some pictures to enjoy over the past month:
Growin into the hat her Grammy Lou gave her
So wishing she could take a bite out my Popsicle
Loving the beautiful blankie that her Grammy Lou made her
Lovin her some Daddy time. (One of my favs, wish you could hear their conversation through the picture)
oh...oh.. almost there
Wow! what just happened?
Sometimes she just wants to be held no matter what we are doing. daddy helping her be happy!
Can not stand how much I just love this picture!!!
Just love the sleepy face!
Watchin the Jazz game with daddy
HEHEHE!!! Fun times getting ready for bed:)
my little toe sucker:)
Love my baby!!!