Yesterday was the day that I had been dreading for 6 weeks. My first day back to work! I have spent 24/7 with my little side kick and couldn't imagine anything different. Well reality kicked in yesterday and back to work it was. I didn't think that it would be so difficult. Just because it was a bit of the norm for me. My mom was a working mom and I went to a wonderful babysitter from the time that I was 6 weeks old till I was a teen (because I never wanted to leave... home was boring) I survived and learned things there that I probably never would have learned anywhere else. I wished that I could have taken Rayni to Helen but she no longer watches kids. She is still apart of my life and I joke with her telling her that she is going to just watch Rayni. I wanted Rayni to have the same experience that I did. Putting complete trust in someone to watch the very thing that means the most to me, next to my hubbie, is and was a scary thought to me. We were lucky and had some friends that had a great babysitter and suggested we go to her. I went and met her and felt very good! we set everything up so that Rayni would be going there monday-friday while I was at work. Well 6 weeks went by so fast and I did not feel prepared at all for what it was that I was heading for. The night before I was getting everyhting ready to go. I held Rayni before she went down and she was so happy and smily. Just her smile and giggles were making me cry. I didn't want to miss a minute of it. After I put her down and finished getting things ready I went to bed, but by the time my head hit the pillow I knew I would not be going to bed anytime soon. I had a billion things running through my head that included work things and Rayni things. About an hour later Rayni woke up to eat and I couldn't have been happier to get up with her. I wanted to hold her for as long as I could before I had to let her go the next day. I sat there and just stared at her and soaked in everything I could. Eventually I had to put her down and try to get some sleep myself.
The next mroning began at 5:40. I got ready before I had to get her up and ready. Got her up at 6 fed and dressed her. I then finished getting ready and ate and off we went. I had been holding in tears all morning and on the way there the eyes got teary. But they didn't flow till I handed her over. The sitter was so sweet. And I knew I had nothing to worry about. I would just miss that little thing to pieces. I cried all the way to work! It was silly. I kept watching the clock but surprisingly the day went by fast. at 3:50 I was in my car. I couldn't get there fast enough. When I walked in and saw her all cuddled up on the sitters lap I knew that she was happy and because she was happy I was happy. Our reunion was sweet and when we got home she was all smiles and full of chatter telling me all about her day. I was lucky to be able to have 6 uninterrupted weeks with my girl. And now I know that reality has to happen but she is safe and happy and that is all that matters!
The next mroning began at 5:40. I got ready before I had to get her up and ready. Got her up at 6 fed and dressed her. I then finished getting ready and ate and off we went. I had been holding in tears all morning and on the way there the eyes got teary. But they didn't flow till I handed her over. The sitter was so sweet. And I knew I had nothing to worry about. I would just miss that little thing to pieces. I cried all the way to work! It was silly. I kept watching the clock but surprisingly the day went by fast. at 3:50 I was in my car. I couldn't get there fast enough. When I walked in and saw her all cuddled up on the sitters lap I knew that she was happy and because she was happy I was happy. Our reunion was sweet and when we got home she was all smiles and full of chatter telling me all about her day. I was lucky to be able to have 6 uninterrupted weeks with my girl. And now I know that reality has to happen but she is safe and happy and that is all that matters!