Because my hubbie's and my life is about to change (for the better) drastically I thought it was only appropriate to type one more blog that may only include "US". After 5 years of marriage we have learned a lot about eachother. Some things great others not. But we have come to realize that those things whether they be good or bad make up who eachother is. And I can say that yes there are things that drive me NUTS about Zach but for the most part;) I wouldn't change him for anything!
Now I don't know what happens behind closed doors in other realtionships but behind ours I can say that we have been through a lot. Like mentioned in the previous blog it took a lot to get us to where we are today. And yes some of those memories I wish not to relive but I know that they made us who we are today! And some of our memories I could relive over and over:)
Here are the things we have learned:
*It's ok to laugh at the small stuff. As long as you're both laughing
*When you are needing to get through some big trials it helps to have your spouses hand to hold and a prayer in your heart
*Showing your love can be done in many different ways. But the showing it is the most important... not just saying it.
*No secrets...honesty is the best policy
*Suppport eachother in all the adventures and endevers
*You can't change the other person... you can only change yourself.
*Sometimes it's ok to go to bed angry. Things always look a little brighter in the morning...but remember to still kiss eachother goodnight.
*And our number one rule... Always kiss eachother goodnight and goodbye even if angry, you never know if it will be your last.
Around this time of year I love to pull our my Celine Dion Christmas CD. And there is a song on there that has so much meaning to me and it fits perfectly with mine and Zach's realtionship. So please enjoy this amazing song while looking at some of our greatest memories.
Now I don't know what happens behind closed doors in other realtionships but behind ours I can say that we have been through a lot. Like mentioned in the previous blog it took a lot to get us to where we are today. And yes some of those memories I wish not to relive but I know that they made us who we are today! And some of our memories I could relive over and over:)
Here are the things we have learned:
*It's ok to laugh at the small stuff. As long as you're both laughing
*When you are needing to get through some big trials it helps to have your spouses hand to hold and a prayer in your heart
*Showing your love can be done in many different ways. But the showing it is the most important... not just saying it.
*No secrets...honesty is the best policy
*Suppport eachother in all the adventures and endevers
*You can't change the other person... you can only change yourself.
*Sometimes it's ok to go to bed angry. Things always look a little brighter in the morning...but remember to still kiss eachother goodnight.
*And our number one rule... Always kiss eachother goodnight and goodbye even if angry, you never know if it will be your last.
Around this time of year I love to pull our my Celine Dion Christmas CD. And there is a song on there that has so much meaning to me and it fits perfectly with mine and Zach's realtionship. So please enjoy this amazing song while looking at some of our greatest memories.

Wedding day

Oregon Farmers Market


Our First Halloween
Our many stops at Multinoma on the way to Oregon
Payback for Zach never letting me take a normal pic
We love our dancing
I love dancing in his arms
See what I mean... 99% of our pics look like these
Valentines Weekends with the friends
Punkin pickin' with our little man

Haystack Rock in Oregon
Love you Morestess Babe
why yes yes I think it is:)
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