Saturday, November 17, 2012


Halloween is one of my absolute most favorite holidays! I grew up in a family that always went all out and made it such a great night for everyone. It has been a tradition since the beginning of time;) that we go to my Aunt Sidnee's. We have soup and bread sticks. We all dress up. And we take the famous pictures in front of the door. 
Because it is one of my favs I was so excited to share it with my Lou! 
It was a great night! And one that I will never forget. 
Some pretty SCARRRRRY pictures!

The family minus Taterbug (empty chair)


 These two are 7 days apart to the minute and are so fun to see together. 
Beckham just wanted to love her so much...But Rayni wanted nothing to do with him:(

Please don't leave me!

Please! please! Please!

Just love me!

It is tough being a good looking little man!

Let me tell you a secret!

Why won't she love me!!!??

The cutest little duck!

The cutest duck butt in town!

 Then there are these 3 silly ladies

The 3 M&Ms

This totally shows our true personalities

 Poppy and his ducky
Such a sweet little face!

Rayni and her uncle Ray Ray

Grammy and her Rayni

Who's up there?

I saw this picture and it brought tears to my eyes. I believe that there are angels all around us. They are protecting us every step we take. I also believe that there are many many angels around our little ones. They are so innocent and open to the spirit that they can't help but have that greatness constantly surrounding them. 
Ever since Rayni was little little she has often looked up at the ceiling or beside her and smiled or giggled. I always have said to her, "who's up there Lou?" I know that it is her Papa Syd, her Grandpa Wangsgaard, and her Grandpa Hoffman constantly watching over my sweet girl. 
Zach and I had the opportunity to take Rayni to the Brigham City temple open house. When we walked through the Celestial Room in the temple Rayni's eyes were going every which way. Her head was turning all around. And she had the biggest smile and sweetest giggles. I know that there were angels there smiling and giggling right back at her. 
There are times that we can get down on ourselves or are going through a difficult trial. But through the eyes of babies we can know that we are never left alone!

Time out for Women

I had the most AMAZING opportunity to go with some of the most amazing ladies to Time out for Women this last weekend.
We started out our weekend by going to one of my favorites places to eat... Cheese Cake Factory! We did some shopping at our favorite: Brighton Jewelry. My Grammy bought us all a charm for our bracelets to remind us of our fun weekend. Then we headed off to our hotel. We had SO much fun. And we put young girls to shame. It all started with my cousin Mal asking my mom if she could do a cartwheel.
Mal: Linda can you do a cartwheel
My mom: Yes
Mal: can you do a handstand
My mom: no
Me: I CAN (as I jumped up and did one)
Mal: can you do a cartwheel
Me: Yes (as I did one)
My mom: I can too!

and threw her arms in the air. I wish that I could describe how funny this was... but there are no words. She then went into her summer sault. But she psyched herself out and stopped my wheel and fell to the floor

My mom: I strained my arm. (She then tried again. And SUCCESS!)

With that Mal was more determined to do a cartwheel and tried a couple more times. After about a couple of times we heard a knock at the door. My mom ran to the bed. I ran to the bathroom, Grammy and Aunt Lori continued to sit on the beds... leaving Mal to answer the door. A security guard was there at the door. Here is the conversation:
Security guard: is everything ok?
Mal: Yes
Security guard: Oh ok I just wanted to make sure. I heard some pounding noises
Mal: Oh sorry that was my Grandam jumping
Security Guard: I don't think your Grandma can jump

I was then laughing too hard in the bathroom to hear how the conversation ended. After the door was closed, laughter filled our room. My grandma responded, "how does she know that I can't jump?" the laughter grew. The rest of the night we were sure to be quieter. I just love that 5 adult women can still have a good time! 

Saturday morning cam and we were all excited to see what the day would hold, since this was our first time at Time Out For Women. The day was amazing and we were left being spiritually and emotionally fed. My cup was over flowing with new hopes of being a better mom, wife, daughter, friend, cousin, niece, and overall person. My hand was busily writing down notes because I wanted to remember the feeling I had there that day. I wanted to always feel the love that I felt that day from my Heavenly Father and Savior everyday.

Here were my thoughts:
(In my hurried writing I didn't catch all the scripture references and the names of stated some of the quotes)

Theme: Seek The Good

"Seek the good that is already in your life. Reflect on the source of all good" The savior

As I thought about this I realized that too many times I am quick to notice the bad in situations that are not always the best. I learned that we can find good no matter the situation!

"Through his atonement Christ became the high priest of all things good" Jeffrey R. Holland

"And what so ever ye do, do it Heartily..." Colossians 3:23

When I hear this I really started thinking on if I do everything Heartily. 

*Do I treat Rayni and try to be the best mom with my whole heart? 
*Do I do my best at making sure my husband feels loved, important, and cared for with my whole heart?
*Do I always greet everyone with a smile... a smile is the window to your heart, thus, do I show my whole heart with those I come in contact to?
*Am I a good friend and serve in every way that I can or with my whole heart?
*Am I the daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, niece, aunt, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law that is always trying to help my family and be there for everyone with my whole heart?  
*Am I the teacher that is making my students feel loved and safe and cared for with my whole heart?  

With all of these listed above there are some that I work at more than others. But I want to do EVERYTHING heartily.

Examples of those that do things heartily:

My mom is always there to listen, to help, to care, and to love! She does motherhood heartily! 

My dad is always there with advice, to serve,, to help, and to smile with! He does fatherhood heartily!

My hubbie is ALWAYS there for me no matter the problem! He does hubbie heartily!

My Rayni is always there to love and to smile. She does Angel heartily!

My Grandma is always there non-judgmentally! She does Grammy heartily!

My mother and father in laws are always there to help us in any way that they can! They do parenthood Heartily!

My sister in law smiles and asks, "How are you today?" to complete strangers. She shows compassion Heartily!

My M's are always there for me when I need a friend or advice. They do best friends and cousins heartily!

I have many more examples in my life of what it means to do something Heartily! I am one lucky girl to have those examples in my life. They are a constant reminder of how I need to be!

"This is your masterpiece" Mercy River

I love this saying! Like all artists they chose how they want their masterpieces to look. They chose the colors, the tools, the type, the time, and the shapes. And their masterpieces usually take a really long time to finish. Like an artists masterpiece our lives are our masterpieces. We get to chose everything about our masterpieces. It is our choice of how we want it to look. There are parts of my masterpieces that have beautiful and bright colors. There are other parts that are dark and ugly. But through my Savior's atonement I have an eraser and can always go back and change what I don't like about my masterpiece. When I am all finished with my masterpiece I want my biggest critic, My Heavenly Father, to look at it and smile!   

Probably one of my most favorite parts was listening to an AMAZING man and his story on forgiveness. I think it was about 6 years ago in February when he and his family were driving home one night and were hit by a teenage drunk driver. His pregnant wife, only daughter, and little boy were killed in the accident. Chris and one of his sons survived the accident. And his teenage son was safe at a friend's house. Chris said that after the impact and the car had stopped he looked over at his wife to see her chest rise with one last breath. But instead of letting hatred enter his heart he said he heard the words:

"Let it go!"  

He knew right then and there that he needed to let go of what had just happened and forgive. This amazed me! If something had happened to my hubbie and sweet baby... I don't know that I could let it go the way he did. It would definitely take some time. But he was able to do it automatically. Chris was serving in the bishopric at the time and when he was in the emergency room another member of the bishopric came and before he could say a word to Chris Chris hurried and said that they needed to forgive him. The friend said, "we don't need to worry about that right now, we need to focus on you and your family." Chris again said, "NO we need to forgive him!...

"We can't fight with the savior when he is trying to save one of his precious souls!"  

Chris has been in contact with the teenage boy that caused the accident. He has been helping this boy to understand the love the savior has for him. This man is "trying to be like Jesus" heartily! 
He then continued to talk about his journey and gave some great words of wisdom:

"When you let go of what happened you feel the love the savior has for that person"

"It starts with us~our faith in the Savior"

"What burden can you lay at the foot of the Lord and allow him to take it and heal you?"

There have been so many opportunities in my life where I have had the opportunity to forgive. On some I have been quick to forgive, on others I was a bit slower, and there are some that I am still working on. Listening to Chris' story helped me see that if he was able to forgive on something that is SO tragic SO quickly, I NEED to forgive on the things that are so small in comparison to his situation! 
Just recently I read from the blog of someone that I look up to so much! And amazing mom of triplets and a rambunctious boy. Who in her crazy life has time to self reflect, work on her relationship with her savior, and be an amazing mom. 

"I learned that I was only able to find the kind of peace that I was seeking by forgiving first. And it was true. I only found peace once I made that decision to forgive and all that comes along with that. To remember my favorite things about this person; my favorite memories; happiest completely and deeply cherish everything I loved about this person and remember everything that our Father in Heaven loves about this person. I got more than just peace. I gained a deeper love for this person." Jessica Hunt 

Amen Lady Lou! When I read this is brought tears to my eyes. It made me think of all those times that I was not quick to forgive or I have not done so yet. I want to love as the savior loves. And forgive as the Savior forgives. 

"Everyday the savior is chipping away what we don't need. I'm under construction.Everyday I'm close to who I'm going to be. This is me under construction. Mercy River

As mom's I think that too many times we put ourselves under a microscope! We compare ourselves to all the other great mom's out there. At least I know I do. I am too hard on myself at times. If I make a mistake I dwell on it and have a pity party. When really I shouldn't feel bad for myself but rather the people that my short comings affected. I need to realize that I am not perfect. My laundry is not always going to be done, my dishes are not always going to get clean, Rayni might not get a bath when I want her to, I may not look like I want to for the day, my house may look like a tornado hit it. But instead of getting stressed out about what I didn't do and effecting the people around me with my stress I need to prioritize and recognize what is the most important. I am not saying this as an excuse to not try to make my house Heavenly. I still should do my best to make it comfortable and welcoming for visitors and the spirit. This quote from one of their songs made me realize that the savior is constantly helping us get rid of things that we don't need in our lives: bad habits, addictions, mean words,  negative behaviors, shortcomings, imperfections, etc. Everyday we are closer to who we are supposed to be. everyday we are being molded and shaped to the kings and queens we are destined to be. 

Every time Mercy River sang a song one of them would share a story that would tie in one of their songs they were about to sing. One of them told a story about a trip that they had taken. It was her, her husband, and thier 9 month old. Thier baby was crawling and playing with a hanger. He fell and the hanger went in his mouth and got stuck. They ended up in the emergency room. It took a long time for them to get it out. She said that this was not what they were planning or hoping for on their vacation. It could be said that their vacation was ruined! But instead of looking at the negative she told us about the positive things that happened. She said that there were sweet moments that her baby only wanted her to make her feel better. That only her singing would make him feel better. Keeping her hand on his cheek would only make him feel better. 

As I listened to this story I couldn't help but think back on the vacation that my hubbie and I had just had with our 9 month old. I am not going to go into details on this post about that vacation (I will in another one) but lets just say it was not the vacation that we were planning or hoping for. We had a very sick baby! It was very frustrating and we did not always have the most patience with our little Lou! After hearing this story I started thinking that my hubbie and I really needed to stop focusing on the negative and how awful severl moments of our vacation were. But instead look at the positive. There were times that she only wanted her mommy. There were times that only my singing would clam her down. There were times that my touch would only make her happy. Now that I look  back on it these were precious moments and tender moments that my Savior had given to me midst the nerve-racking time we were having. 

After she told her story she said: 

"Just like my son he only wanted his mommy to make him feel better... How do you think it makes the savior feel when all we need/want his him to make us feel better?

"Look at the little moments the savior sends out way to give us hope"

After she said this I had moved on from thinking about my own story and started focusing on the tender moments that the Savior sends to me when I seem to need them the most:

*My Papa Syd loved everything about nature. There were specific things that he liked though like Canadian Honker Geese.Whenever I see them in the sky or am in my house and I hear them it always makes me think of him. Rayni (well not quite yet) and I say, "Hi Papa Syd!" whenever we see or hear them. I love their sight and their noise. It always seems to come when I need it most. 

*My kids in my class always seem to know just when to ask for a hug, or to give a kind word, or to give a tender touch on my back, or to laugh their laughs or smile their smiles that I love so much! I can be having the worst day, and I say a little prayer in my heart for some help. Then it seems to be the kids are always right there to jump on it and give me that little help that I need. 

*I can be sad with tears flowing or just not happy and my Rayni seems to always know when to give me a sweet smile or even touch my tears with her little hands. This melts my heart! 

*My hubbie is always there for me. He seems to know when I just need to go sit down sometimes. And he will be there to step on it when I need it most.

These are moments that I am so grateful for every day!

"Has anybody told you youre beautiful? you might agree if you could see what I see. Everything about you is incredible. You should have seen me smile the day I made you!" Mercy River

Growing up I had bad self image issues. I never felt good enough. I never felt pretty enough. Hearing the statement above, "You should have seen me smile the day I made you!" really tugged on a heart string. Because it made me think of how I smiled when I first met my Little Rayni Lou. I thought she was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. She is one of her Father in heaven's masterpiece... but she is also my greatest masterpiece! Her daddy and I made her. I had so much love for that little girl, it is hard to believe but I know that my love for my baby is a fraction of the love that the Savior and Heavenly Father have for each one of us. My Father in heaven made me just the way he wanted to make me. In his own image... for me to say or think that I am not pretty enough is like me saying that directly to him. I need to respect his masterpiece. Yes there are days that I don't feel so materpieceish but on those days I just need to remember my feelings for my Rayni and that will remind me of my Heavenly Father's feelings for me. 
I hope that one day when Rayni is reading this she will know how BEAUTIFUL she is!!!

Next to speak were two blogging moms Kate and Sara. They were so good at bringing motherhood into the right kind of light. Too many times do we look on pintrest or facebook and see everything that we are not doing. It makes us look at all the things we are doing wrong... but we forget to look at all that we are doing right. I think that too many times we put such high expectations on ourselves and we don't notice the little things that are happening around us. 
One of them stated that they don't remember the big elaborate parties that their mom threw, but they remember the little things like playing "who can match the socks the fastest" game. 

"Enjoy the little things because one day they will be the big things"

They also talked about what things you can do to be a better mom, not according to what pintrest says you should be doing but what the Savior wants us to do. 

"look at the word mother as a verb. Mother's love nurture and serve"

Next speaker was Bradly Wilcox. His talk was one of my favorites! His talk was about Names. He went into detail of what each one of the Savior's names meant. My favorite one was:

Jesus' name means "God is help"

Through Our savior's sacrifice we received help from our Father in heaven. Such a big sacrifice from both the Savior and Heavenly Father to be willing to love us that much!

"The savior is the king of kings and the king of Queens."

"On the days that we don't feel like a Queen- just remember that as we know the savior's name he knows our name- his queen"

"the saviors goal is not to get us to heaven but to make us heavenly"

"God loves us the way we are but we need to be thankful that he does not leave us like this. He's not done with us yet, remember that when you aren't feeling queenly"

"A covenant is not a cold agreement between party A and B. It is a warm promise between friends on a first name basis. When we renew our covenants we are not taking his name upon us he is giving it to us."

"When we partake of the sacrament close your eyes and think that the savior is signing across our heart "Jesus of Nazareth is making this just as Michael Angelo signed his masterpiece the "Pieta""

I truly had the most amazing time. My spiritual cup was overflowing. I made new promises with myself to be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend. 
I am so grateful for the many many blessing that my Father in Heaven and My savior have blessed with me. 

Rayni: I hope that when life gets you down you will open to this page and remember who loves you... Me, your daddy, you grandparents, your family, and your Heavenly Father and Savior. 

Oregon and One Sick Girl!

The month of October and beginning of November has really made us more grateful for the healthy baby we have been having. Because these past couple of weeks our innocent little girl has had the sickness monster constantly right there with her.
It all started a couple of days before we were leaving to go on our annual Oregon trip to see Zach's sister and niece. She hadn't been feeling all that well at the daycare, laying on the floor and not being her hyper constantly moving and getting into everything self. I picked her up and needed to make a quick stop at Walmart. We didn't make it two feet in the door before Rayni and started throwing up all over me, herself  and the floor. Being a first time mom and new to something coming out of my baby's mouth other than spit up was horrifying to me. Luckily there was another mom right there that came to our rescue with a garbage can. After she was all through I walked over to a worker that hadn't noticed us and tried to apologize, with a few tears rolling down my cheeks,  for the mess that just happened. He was a sweet older gentleman that touched my shoulder and told me not to worry that he would take care of it.
I quickly got her home and got the two of us cleaned up. The rest of the night and the next day she was connected to me. All she wanted was me. Sat with my in the rocking chair for the rest of the day. We decided that because of the way she was acting that we better go make sure she wasn't getting something serious because in a couple of days we were supposed to be leaving. The after hours Dr. couldn't see anything wrong and sent us on our way, with the comment of, "call if anything changes and we will get it worked out" The next day she was doing so much better. She had no fever, was playing and acting like her normal self.
The next morning (the day before we were leaving) She developed a bit of a cough and a runny nose. I called her pediatrician to see if there was anything preventative that we could do because we were leaving to go out of town. They said that for a baby under 1 years of age there really isn't much. Hoping that it wouldn't get too bad we pressed on.
The next day we left for the first leg of our trip. We were going to stop in Boise. The first time we took Rayni to Boise she slept for most of the time. So we were hoping that that would happen again. Well that was not the case. At one point, about two hours outside of Boise, she had been screaming for an hour. I told Zach that we needed to pull over and give her a break. When we did I got her out of the carseat. She was immediately relived and looking much happier. Well not even one min out she looked at me and threw up all over me. It went down my shirt and in my lap. I couldn't move or think. Zach was taking our dog to the bathroom and I yelled for him to come help. He came upon the scene, and for a daddy that has a really weak stomach handled it like a champ! Rayni and I were both crying, pathetic I know! He asked me what to do and I just kept saying, "I don't know!" He was very patient and got right to work helping us out. We got all cleaned up, both wondering if this was a mistake and if we should turn back, but we were on our way again. She still continued to scream. We finally made it to Boise and so relieved. We all had a good night's sleep and were ready to finish the drive. It continued to be rough. She was not happy in her new carseat and not feeling well. We caught up with Grammy Lou, Poppy, and Uncle Ray Ray two hours outside or Portland. We stopped at Multinoma falls, a waterfall just outside of Portland that we went to when I was a child and now Zach and I stop at it every time. We were all glad for the break. Rayni was happy and seeming like everything was going to be just fine. I loved starting these traditions with Rayni and sharing with her moments that have been and are now so special to me
We finally made it to Zach's sisters, Amy, and were all exhausted. We had a good night's rest and that next morning was when all hell broke lose. I could tell that Rayni had taken a turn for the worst. Her nose was out of control, her cough was uncontrollable  and fever was beginning. We tried to call her pediatrician but his nurse would not help us! I called the after hours dr to see if he could call us in anything and he was great to do so. We started that medication just in time because green bugger started coming out of her nose and eyes. It was horrible. We were going to meet back up with Grammy and poppy that day at the beach and sleep over at a beach front hotel. Rayni screamed for almost the entire time there. We once again were exhausted and all 4 (including zach's sister) had had it. My mom took one look at Lou and could tell how sick she was. It was obvious with those green goobery eyes. They were so great to take her while Zach's sister took the two of us out to dinner. It was a great break but I think about my poor baby. I worried, and have since then been informed that that won't ever stop! We got back and they said that she had been fine. We could tell that the medication had began to work and the Tylenol was also helping! I got her fed, in her jammies, and in bed. Zach's sister staid in the room with her while we went on a night walk on the beach. It was so incredible! I have always loved the beach and it brings such memories and joy to me everytime I am on the Oregon Beach. We walked holding hands. It was pitch black all around us except for the bright light that shown from the hotel. I took my shoes off and dipped my toes in for two seconds... SO COLD! then we walked hand in hand. It started to sprinkle, like it usually does there. But it started getting heavier so we headed back we then needed to start running because it really started coming down. We were able to snap a quick pic of us on our walk.

I wished that it hadn't started to rain because I could have stayed out there with my sweet hubbie all night just being in his presence and holding that hand that I love so much. But I am so grateful for that little moment that we did get to have together.
We woke up the next morning and went to the beach with everyone. It was a great time for the short amount of time that we staid. I stood with my mom in one area while Zach took Rayni along the shore looking at stuff in the sand. I was having a slight health problem and was not able to go walking with them. So I just watched from a distance. I was bugged at the fact that my Rayni was so sick and bugged that I was also having a problem and couldn't be there with them. But as I think back and see the image of the two of them looking in the sand I am overcome with so much emotion. Some of my greatest memories as a child were the vacations we took to the beach. I loved looking for shells in the sand with my dad. I was so grateful that I was able to share that with my little Lou. I was so grateful that my sweet husband was able to take her and show her the amazing things around her that our Heavenly Father has created for her. I will never forget the image of Zach holding her in his arms and pointing in the sand while Rayni looked with such intent. I loved the moment that they were so focused on looking at things that they almost got a wave splashed on them and scurried up the shore as to not get almost wet again.
We drove back, another 2 hour drive, which Rayni screamed for an hour of it. And tried to enjoy the rest of the trip complete with Bauman Farms pumpkin patch and other Halloween festivities. We woke up early Sunday morning ready to leave with the hopes that this time it would be smoother. Well... you guessed right it was another horrible ride. And to make it worse we were driving straight through  this time. About two hours away from home Rayni had worked herself all up again with crying and threw up all over herself. We were on the side of the road cleaning her off. That drive felt like it took us a week. We couldn't get home fast enough. We were all done with the car and never wanted to get in it again. Walking in the doors of our home felt so great!
After we got everything inside and I got Rayni ready for bed I sat on the couch feeding her and thinking about the trip we had just had. I said to Zach that ya our trip was not ideal and the break that we had hoped for but there were some fun things that happened too. I told him that we needed to focus on the positive. He said, "I didn't get thrown up on!" It was a good laugh to help us forget about that awful parts of it.
The next weekend I had attended "Time Out For Women" One of the speakers talked about a horrible trip that they had been on but that all she could do was think of the great things that happened. And a midst trials we face... Heavenly Father sends us tender mercies to lighten our load.
Here are the things that I was grateful for on our trip:

A working car
A patient Husband
The priesthood
Zach's sister Amy
Our niece Akila
staying at the beach
walking with my hubbie on the beach
seeing Zach and Rayni and the beach
that my mom, dad, and little brother could be with us some of the time
a safe drive
Making it home

pics from our Trip

In awe every time I see this waterfall

VooDoo doughnuts

Grammy Lou and Rayni

It is hard to think about all the great things when you are up to your eyeballs in not so fun stuff. I had forgotten about a lot of the fun things that happened because I was so focused on everything that went wrong. Zach and I had made that trip about 4 times since we have been married. We always have a blast and are not that excited to return home. It was a big change to have a baby with us who can't just go go go like we are used to doing when we are there and to add being sick. At times I felt really guilty that I was not having a good time and I would think that it was because of Rayni. I felt horrible for thinking that because I had prayed and prayed for that baby to come into our lives and now I was bugged that I wasn't having a good time on our trip. I am appalled that I would think that and after thinking back on all that happened I wouldn't have wanted to experience all that without her. There are two things that you can do when you come out of a trial: dwell on it or learn from it. We learned that having a baby makes things harder and are a huge change. But we learned that we can get through it together!

I wish that I could say that the sickness stopped there but this last weekend was also not so fun! Sunday morning I woke up with Rayni and she was acting normal except for the fact that she was so cuddly and wanted to stay on my lap. I thought that this was just one of those lucky moments that I always want from my crazy non-stop going girl. After her first morning nap she had developed a horrible fever. And all day could not keep anything down. I was thrown up on 3 times! (not sure why Zach never gets thrown up on!) Because of the fear of dehydration we took her in to urgent care. But again were told that under 1 years old there wasn't much except for an IV if it continued over night. We were told to give her pedilite with a dropper and slowly work up to her bottle. I was up with her all but 4 hours last night feeding her with a little dropper. There were frustrating moments again this time around but I felt like I had learned more patience from our trip. I was able to take the throw up and screams for a moment like this:
Zach snapped this with his phone so it is a little blurry. At this moment all she needed was her mommy. She sat on my lap all day and just let me love her. I tried to get the brightness off of her face but was not able to and realized that it is meant to be there because it is the angel's glow that were there with us helping her get better.
At one moment she was laying on me, woke up and rolled over to see her daddy sitting by us on the floor she gave a little smile and waved at him. This was so sweet, it was like her saying to him, "It's ok daddy I'm fine!"
Because of all the throw up, her bed time teddy was being washed so daddy found her another stuffed animal to snuggle.
(her little lamby given to her by her great grammy)

 Loved looking down at this all day... all snuggled in my arms. 

We hope that the sickness will stay away from us for awhile. But we were able to learn some lessons, and I got some much needed snuggle time:)

10 Months

This month has been full of busyness and huge milestones! Our little girl has become a little lady! We didn't think that it was any more possible to get more sassy... but this girl has proven us wrong! She loves to tell us how it is or how it should be. She loves every second of our attention that she can get. She is way more outspoken than last month. She loves to hold things up and say, "what's this?" but it sounds like "wus sis". She says Mama still and Dada. She is still very aware of sounds. She especially loves to hear the sound of kids and when she does she looks all over for them. When she hears kids outside yelling she stops what she is doing and yells back at them.
She has gone from 4 steps to this:

She has been able to walk for about 2 months now... but she just chose to crawl, it was more convenient for her. But she has become more inclined to walk more.

This month was a month of sickness! She has been so healthy so far, with the exception of one yucky cough at about 3 months. Well this last month I feel like we have had our share for the next 20 years. We went on vacation and she was so sick. Then for a week of being better she got a horrible flu. To read more about those fun experiences and the great lessons we learned read here "Oregon and one sick girl"

During those trying times we learned to notice the small and amazing things that our Lou was doing in the mean time.
She is so sweet! She likes to give little side smiles and can give the biggest smiles that just melts your heart.

We are so lucky to be blessed with such a sweet heart!

Enjoy some pictures from last month:

Don't mess with her!

OOOH I could just eat these little chunkers!

Playing "paddy cakes" with Great Grammy

Sweet girl

Playing with poppy on Halloween

Cutest little duck butt ever!

Such a good poppy crawling around with his little duck
At the daycare Halloween party

Like her daddy when she wakes up... GRUMMMMMPY!!!!