I am getting this posted a little bit late... seeing that Rayni is already half way through her 7 month... but better late than never.
Rayni is OUT OF CONTROL!!! that's what I keep telling everyone. between her 6th and 7th month she has started crawling, sitting up, and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING! She has 5 teeth and two are getting close. Can't not get over how much she has grown this month and all the things she does now. It scares me a bit that she is getting so big so fast... I don't want to not have my baby any more. But I know that with her growing there will be other great and exciting things to come.
Our favortie thing that rayni started doing towards the end of her 6th month is blowing kisses. It is the sweetest thing:
I can't get enough of it!
She loves us to tickle and kiss her belly. Her giggles can't help but make you smile!
Sitting up and crawling...sorta. I love how she puts her hands in the air for me to say, "so big" or "big girl"
One of the biggest challenges that we overcame this month was starting food. During her 5th month she started cereal and did really well with it. So this month my Dr. said that I really need to start giving her food now. I started mixing it with the cereal and she wanted nothing to do with it. I tried everything and tried everything that everyone told me to try. Zach's cousin that lives in NY told us to try giving her the food in a bowl and the spoon and let her go at it... this is how that went:
She ate everything but the food... little pill thought she was so cute eating the other end of the spoon
Then she got more curious about the food and started playing with it
then she tried it with her hand
then she thought she would try the spoon again... wrong end again

then tada she got it right... but to no avail. She still didn't like it and didn't want anything to do with it.
So more headaches and more frustrating nights with her not eating.
Then on one glorious day my sister in law suggested these food pouches that loo like capri suns that her nephew loves. I ran to the store and bought one and...
YAY she loves them!!!
Rayni is also getting lots more hair and we tried pig tails for the first time... so stinkin cute!
OOOH I just love this girl!
After her bath and some crazy hair
We also got to go on our first camping trip... I was worried about it because she had just started to kinda crawl and crawling and dirt don't mix.
Here she is helping me pack the car
We followed zach's parents up and about an hour into the drive their truck broke down.
It was not the funnest of times but I got this great shot of rayni and her daddy on the side of the road.
We had to do much entertaining on that side of the road that we sat for for about 3 hours
Can you tell she is getting a little bugged
Zach, Rayni and I ended up leaving them to get to the camping sight before it got too late and they got thier truck towed. We started up the mountain and couldn't find them in the spot the family was supposed to be in so we dorve all over that flippin mountain. Rayni did surprisingly good, a few teary moments but for the most part she was very patient. We finally found the rest of the family. They were all so great at helping us get our tent up and our food made in the dark.
It was not the best time. It was really hot during the day... made our tent too hot for Rayni to take naps so she mostly took short little naps in my arm and it was hard that we had to hold her the entire time. But we tried to make the best of it. Wish that I had more pics from that trip but I had an arm full most of the time and that made it difficult to snap pics.
It was cold at night so we had to bundle her all up with lots and lots of layers.
First starting to sit up
She loves to sleep with her bear
Loves to help mommy cook in the kitchen
Now that she crawls she gets into everything! I left her alone for two seconds and this is what I walked into. She didn't notice me at first but when she did...
She thinks she is so innocent... im in trouble with those sweet eyes!
I was trying to get some stuff done but was constantly chasing after this little cute thing so I put her in the box... she loved it as you can see:)
she loves to rock in her mommy's rocking chair
She LOVES her uncle Ray Ray... hates it when he leaves the room
And starting to pull herself up on everything!
She hasn't figured out how to pull herself up in her crib so this is what I see when I go in to get her up from her nap
Watching daddy play baseball.
She is truly such a joy and has become such a little sweet lady. This summer has been the best being able to be with her all the time. Going back to work next month will be so hard. I just love my little shadow!
Ok it is ridiculous that she is moving so fast! I think she's supernatural or something...maybe she'll be in college at 4. Haha! Seriously this post made me laugh a few times. She's such a silly girl. And don't worry about the spoon...our girls are 16 months and I'm just starting to let them practice with spoons. I haven't been brave enough until now. She's such a teeny little thing. I think she's about ready to play with the big girls!
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