3 months going on 16! This little lady is only 3 months but is such a danty little thing. I can't believe that my little baby is already 3 months old. It is going by so stinkin fast that I find myself wanting to remember every little moment, every little smile, every little frowny face, every little squeal, and every little snuggle. But i know that as time goes on there are going to be many more memories that I will be cherrishing.
Rayni has become a big mama's girl!!! You would think by the way that she acts that I hopld her all day long and spoil her to death... so not true! I work monday through friday from 8:20 till 3:50. And the only time I really get to snuggle my angel is at night and on the weekends. But somehow she has truely become attached to my hip and my little shadow. It makes me feel really bad when she doesn't want to snuggle with her grammy lou, her poppy, or her grammy Rayni but most of all it kills me that she isn't a fan of cuddling with her daddy:( I can tell that it breaks his heart at times. But I also know that at some point in every little girls life her daddy becomes her best friend. He is the best daddy and she will know this very soon:)One day I will be the one that is sad because I have been tossed aside. So for now I am soaking it all in... that she wants me and she wants to be my best friend.
Our little miss Rayni has become such a little person. She is so alert, se loves to lay down and wiggle, loves to watch tv, she has this little squeal that she does that is just the cuttest thing. When we get on the floor and play with her she gets so excited sometimes that her happiness oozes out of every inch of her body and her body explodes with excitement and then the squeal comes out! I want to get it on video sometime so hopefully it will be posted soon. It is the best feeling that when she wakes up and I walk in to get her out that she gets the happiest look on her face and smiles the biggest smile. I am starting to think that not only does she have her uncle bubba's toes but she is going to have his ear to ear smile to:)
She seriously is the best thing that could have happened to Zach and I and we just love the little sweet spirit that she is!
Enjoy some fun pics of this last month:

oh my goodness could she be any cuter?? I love the pics of her in the bumbo! Looks like such a big girl!
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