Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Voice and Pigs Discovered
Sorry that these videos are not the best! I ALWAYS have my phone with me and I don't always have my Ipad or camera. So I had to rerecord this from my phone onto my Ipad.And it was too big to do the entire video so I had to break it up into two separate ones.
But it gets the job done:)
So in this video Zach and I were watching a baseball game and Rayni was carrying on an entire conversation with the TV while sucking on her pigs. Her voice and her pigs are the newest discoveries. She has always cooed with us but this is actual talking...well kinda:)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Our First little family Easter:)
Easter was our first real "Holiday" with miss Lou. And I was so so stinkin excited for it. I of course had the outfits planned months in advance. I always remembered my mom getting me an Easter dress every year and I wanted to start that tradition for Rayni. I also had to include Zach and I in this... gives us an excuse to get something fun to wear too:)
Before I start in on our fun Easter festivities I wanted to think back when I was a girl and our fun traditions. When talking to my mom the other day about Easters passed she said that she never loved the Easter bunny rabbit part of Easter. She said that we never had a pretty yard at that time of year to hide the baskets and it never seemed very fun in the house. I was quick to stop her and say that I always loved Easter. And that she did a great job. The Easter bunny would hide eggs in our house and I would always get the ones that were up high and Tater and Ray Ray would get the ones that were lower. I always remember getting an Easter dress, like stated above. The one that I for sure remember what it looks like was one with big sunflowers all over it. and a straw flower hat to go with. I know there is a picture out there somewhere of Tater and I on the porch Easter morning with our new Easter outfits on. A serious one and then one of him and I pulling at the corners of our mouths with our tongues sticking out. If I find I will be putting on later:) My mom then told me that she was glad to make a good impression on us for Easter.
Getting off the Easter subject for a bit this conversation I had with my mom and then a blogpost I saw on Facebook went hand in hand together:
A quote I loved from this:
"Can we remind each other that it is our uniqueness and love that our children long for? It is our voices. Our smiles. Our jiggly tummies. Of course we want to learn, improve, exercise, cook better, make our homes lovelier, and provide beautiful experiences for our children, but at the end of the day, our children don’t want a discouraged, stressed-out mom who is wishing she were someone else."
My mom never felt like she made a big impression on us for Easter. But little did she know what a great job she was doing at showing us how much she loved us. And put forth effort in making lasting memories that I will forever hold dear to my heart and now pass them on to my little lady. So thank mom for all you do and even though you may feel like you were never enough you were always the MOST to us:)
Any who (wiping the tears from my eyes:)) Back on Easter. Saturday night I wasn't feeling my best. My legs started to hurt really bad. I had run some errands that day and thought that maybe I had over done it. So went to bed with hopes that tomorrow would be another day and I would feel rested. When I woke up I was feeling...ok. I had the in laws coming over for Breakfast in a couple of hours and new I had no time to sit and wait to see if I would feel any better if I laid in bed longer. Got Rayni up and got her fed. Let the Easter Bunny in our house to set up his fun treats for us. got breakfast prepped. And then got ready. Got Daddy and Rayni up (she fell back asleep) and went out to the living room to find what the Easter Bunny had left.
Rayni got a new dress, some barefoot sandals, matching headband to her mommy's, a book about the savior, and her first basket. Daddy got 2 new shirts and some candy. Mommy got a new skirt and some candy. And both Mommy and Daddy got scripture journals to help us out while we read the scriptures. (which we have done every night this month!!!) So proud of us:) My sister-in-law is always getting on my case about how organized I am. She commented on Facebook about this picture that the Easter Bunny is too organized and makes the rest of us look bad... I told her that this Easter bunny has a problem. Thus glad that I read the blog post above about moms!
Zach's mom and dad were soon behind and we were getting ready for breakfast. At this point I was starting to get tired... but I knew I had no time for that so just kept going. Once they got there and we were waiting for breakfast to finish cooking I shared a "True meaning of Easter" lesson with everyone. I again remember doing this with my parents once??? or a couple of times??? and when I found it on pinterest I wanted to do it as well.
I had taken 12 eggs and put things in them that symbolized important parts of the Easter Story and corresponding scriptures to go with each egg. It was fun! And it helped us get into the true meaning of Easter.
(here is where I got the idea:
After that was over it was time for breakfast... I went and checked on it in the oven and the eggs weren't quite ready so I decided to turn on the broiler for just a sec to finish off my breakfast bowls... well can you guess what happened?

Yep I burned them!!! Then the fire alarm went off! I almost cried until my father in law came over and put his arm around me and told me it was ok. I was so embarrassed. Well we did our best to try to salvage them. But luckily the insides really were pretty good it was jut the roll that got burned. It is amazing how much stuff I have burned since I had Rayni... I get side tracked so easily now. Well I made 6 bowls for the 4 of us and surprisingly they all got eaten. I don't know if they were just trying to be nice but they seemed to be all right!
Well while we were sitting there talking and laughing over breakfast I could feel my body going down hill fast!!!After my in-laws had left I told Zach that I think I need to take something if I am going to get through today. I didn't want all the fun things I made or I mean the Easter bunny made to go to waste. After looking at our medicine and realizing that there was nothing I could take because I am nursing I told Zach that I had to take something so I guess I have to go to the store to get Tylenol cold medicine. I thought that for sure Heavenly Father would understand that I needed to go to the store to get some medicine to be able to spend time with my family for Easter. I went to Walmart and walked over to the medicine isle. When I found the one that I needed I started towards the register. I started thinking in my head that the cold part really isn't bugging me all the bad it is just the body aches that are killing me. So I thought why don't I just take some Tylenol... and I had some at home. Then I thought well since Im here I am just going to get it incase I am worse tomorrow. But then I had a thought in my head that I would be blessed if I didn't get it and went home and just took what I had at home. I listened to the prompting and headed back home. I told Zach what I had felt and I think he was proud of me;)
I took the medicine and laid in bed while Zach and Rayni played next to me. I was feeling do sick... I didn't know how this was going to work. I debated back and forth about church. I wanted to go so bad but I seriously felt like I could not get out of bed. I told Zach how sad I was if we didn't go and that we needed to go. He was so sweet and said that we could pretend that next Sunday was Easter if I really felt that bad. Well with much deliberation I decided that it really was not ok for me to go. I really wanted to see my family so I thought if I just rest for a bit while I wait for the tylenol to kick in I will be able to go.
Well I was blessed like the prompting said I would be. I was able to feel better just long enough to have a great time with my family. I seriously have the best one! I did however over extend my visit and could feel the medicine wearing off. I told Zach it was time to go. And since then I have been miserable. But I got to have the Easter that I wanted... Besides going to church. But Next Sunday will be Easter church Sunday for my Family:)
Here are some fun photos of the day:

Love my little family!!!!
(notice the matching headbands and barefoot sandals the Easter Bunny made;))

Before I start in on our fun Easter festivities I wanted to think back when I was a girl and our fun traditions. When talking to my mom the other day about Easters passed she said that she never loved the Easter bunny rabbit part of Easter. She said that we never had a pretty yard at that time of year to hide the baskets and it never seemed very fun in the house. I was quick to stop her and say that I always loved Easter. And that she did a great job. The Easter bunny would hide eggs in our house and I would always get the ones that were up high and Tater and Ray Ray would get the ones that were lower. I always remember getting an Easter dress, like stated above. The one that I for sure remember what it looks like was one with big sunflowers all over it. and a straw flower hat to go with. I know there is a picture out there somewhere of Tater and I on the porch Easter morning with our new Easter outfits on. A serious one and then one of him and I pulling at the corners of our mouths with our tongues sticking out. If I find I will be putting on later:) My mom then told me that she was glad to make a good impression on us for Easter.
Getting off the Easter subject for a bit this conversation I had with my mom and then a blogpost I saw on Facebook went hand in hand together:
A quote I loved from this:
"Can we remind each other that it is our uniqueness and love that our children long for? It is our voices. Our smiles. Our jiggly tummies. Of course we want to learn, improve, exercise, cook better, make our homes lovelier, and provide beautiful experiences for our children, but at the end of the day, our children don’t want a discouraged, stressed-out mom who is wishing she were someone else."
My mom never felt like she made a big impression on us for Easter. But little did she know what a great job she was doing at showing us how much she loved us. And put forth effort in making lasting memories that I will forever hold dear to my heart and now pass them on to my little lady. So thank mom for all you do and even though you may feel like you were never enough you were always the MOST to us:)
Any who (wiping the tears from my eyes:)) Back on Easter. Saturday night I wasn't feeling my best. My legs started to hurt really bad. I had run some errands that day and thought that maybe I had over done it. So went to bed with hopes that tomorrow would be another day and I would feel rested. When I woke up I was feeling...ok. I had the in laws coming over for Breakfast in a couple of hours and new I had no time to sit and wait to see if I would feel any better if I laid in bed longer. Got Rayni up and got her fed. Let the Easter Bunny in our house to set up his fun treats for us. got breakfast prepped. And then got ready. Got Daddy and Rayni up (she fell back asleep) and went out to the living room to find what the Easter Bunny had left.

Zach's mom and dad were soon behind and we were getting ready for breakfast. At this point I was starting to get tired... but I knew I had no time for that so just kept going. Once they got there and we were waiting for breakfast to finish cooking I shared a "True meaning of Easter" lesson with everyone. I again remember doing this with my parents once??? or a couple of times??? and when I found it on pinterest I wanted to do it as well.
I had taken 12 eggs and put things in them that symbolized important parts of the Easter Story and corresponding scriptures to go with each egg. It was fun! And it helped us get into the true meaning of Easter.
(here is where I got the idea:
After that was over it was time for breakfast... I went and checked on it in the oven and the eggs weren't quite ready so I decided to turn on the broiler for just a sec to finish off my breakfast bowls... well can you guess what happened?

Yep I burned them!!! Then the fire alarm went off! I almost cried until my father in law came over and put his arm around me and told me it was ok. I was so embarrassed. Well we did our best to try to salvage them. But luckily the insides really were pretty good it was jut the roll that got burned. It is amazing how much stuff I have burned since I had Rayni... I get side tracked so easily now. Well I made 6 bowls for the 4 of us and surprisingly they all got eaten. I don't know if they were just trying to be nice but they seemed to be all right!
Well while we were sitting there talking and laughing over breakfast I could feel my body going down hill fast!!!After my in-laws had left I told Zach that I think I need to take something if I am going to get through today. I didn't want all the fun things I made or I mean the Easter bunny made to go to waste. After looking at our medicine and realizing that there was nothing I could take because I am nursing I told Zach that I had to take something so I guess I have to go to the store to get Tylenol cold medicine. I thought that for sure Heavenly Father would understand that I needed to go to the store to get some medicine to be able to spend time with my family for Easter. I went to Walmart and walked over to the medicine isle. When I found the one that I needed I started towards the register. I started thinking in my head that the cold part really isn't bugging me all the bad it is just the body aches that are killing me. So I thought why don't I just take some Tylenol... and I had some at home. Then I thought well since Im here I am just going to get it incase I am worse tomorrow. But then I had a thought in my head that I would be blessed if I didn't get it and went home and just took what I had at home. I listened to the prompting and headed back home. I told Zach what I had felt and I think he was proud of me;)
I took the medicine and laid in bed while Zach and Rayni played next to me. I was feeling do sick... I didn't know how this was going to work. I debated back and forth about church. I wanted to go so bad but I seriously felt like I could not get out of bed. I told Zach how sad I was if we didn't go and that we needed to go. He was so sweet and said that we could pretend that next Sunday was Easter if I really felt that bad. Well with much deliberation I decided that it really was not ok for me to go. I really wanted to see my family so I thought if I just rest for a bit while I wait for the tylenol to kick in I will be able to go.
Well I was blessed like the prompting said I would be. I was able to feel better just long enough to have a great time with my family. I seriously have the best one! I did however over extend my visit and could feel the medicine wearing off. I told Zach it was time to go. And since then I have been miserable. But I got to have the Easter that I wanted... Besides going to church. But Next Sunday will be Easter church Sunday for my Family:)
Here are some fun photos of the day:

Love my little family!!!!
(notice the matching headbands and barefoot sandals the Easter Bunny made;))

Mama's girl!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
My 3 month old little lady

3 months going on 16! This little lady is only 3 months but is such a danty little thing. I can't believe that my little baby is already 3 months old. It is going by so stinkin fast that I find myself wanting to remember every little moment, every little smile, every little frowny face, every little squeal, and every little snuggle. But i know that as time goes on there are going to be many more memories that I will be cherrishing.
Rayni has become a big mama's girl!!! You would think by the way that she acts that I hopld her all day long and spoil her to death... so not true! I work monday through friday from 8:20 till 3:50. And the only time I really get to snuggle my angel is at night and on the weekends. But somehow she has truely become attached to my hip and my little shadow. It makes me feel really bad when she doesn't want to snuggle with her grammy lou, her poppy, or her grammy Rayni but most of all it kills me that she isn't a fan of cuddling with her daddy:( I can tell that it breaks his heart at times. But I also know that at some point in every little girls life her daddy becomes her best friend. He is the best daddy and she will know this very soon:)One day I will be the one that is sad because I have been tossed aside. So for now I am soaking it all in... that she wants me and she wants to be my best friend.
Our little miss Rayni has become such a little person. She is so alert, se loves to lay down and wiggle, loves to watch tv, she has this little squeal that she does that is just the cuttest thing. When we get on the floor and play with her she gets so excited sometimes that her happiness oozes out of every inch of her body and her body explodes with excitement and then the squeal comes out! I want to get it on video sometime so hopefully it will be posted soon. It is the best feeling that when she wakes up and I walk in to get her out that she gets the happiest look on her face and smiles the biggest smile. I am starting to think that not only does she have her uncle bubba's toes but she is going to have his ear to ear smile to:)
She seriously is the best thing that could have happened to Zach and I and we just love the little sweet spirit that she is!
Enjoy some fun pics of this last month:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
First of many!
We recieved a fun gift from my parents this last christmas... but haven't been able to put it to use until now:)
While trying to be better about having family night we decided to break out the fire pit!
Our little Rayni has been a bit of a stinker lately with lots of crying so we weren't sure how well this was going to work out espically because as soon as we got outside she cried and cried. With mama's and daddy's special touch while we layed next to her she zonked out. I would have like for her to be awake but oh well. So our fire pit excitement consisted of Zach and I whispering our way through. But it was a blast none the less.
Zach became the profeesional hot dog cooker... I had no idea:) He made a wonderful dinner for us.
My job was the ketchup and mustard squirter:)
We had a great time and can't wait for many many more of these!!!
The professional hot dog cooker


Sweet girl

The professional hot dog eater
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