Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer and a 19 month old!

Last year Rayni was still so little during summer to really be able to go out and do a lot. So I was really excited to be home with her this summer! I was determined to make this summer the best for her. On our first day we went out and bought chalk, flashcards, crayons, coloring books, etc. It didn't go as planned... our first week was rough! At one point Zach came home and both Rayni and I were balling. I felt like the worst mom because Rayni wanted nothing to do with everything I had planned. I quickly realized that what I had in mind was not reality for my little girl. I learned that my little Rayni Lou is very independent and won't do anything that she doesn't want to do. So I decided to relax and stop trying to be the perfect mom. Do what makes her happy! Once I got that figured out we had a much better time.
Rayni loves going to her daycare and being with Grandma Teresa. During the summer I still took her a couple times a week to keep her familiar with going. She has so many friends there and lots of fun things to do. Way more fun than mom. And I am OK with that! She learns so much, her social skills are constantly improving, and her language and motor skills have always been advanced. I have loved having these 3 months with my baby. But glad to be getting back to a routine! And I know Rayni is too!

This summer Rayni turned 19 months old! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I was just laying on the couch tonight with Rayni next to me and we were looking through pictures on my phone of her. We started with my belly pics, then to the hospital pics, then her milestones. And I couldn't believe just how fast it really has gone by. She is at such a fun age right now. We no longer have to guess with her anymore. She is very vocal and her words are starting to flow. When she is hungry "Numanum?" When we try to figure out what she wants she tells us "No" if she doesn't want it and "uh huh" if she does. She tells us when she poops:) She tells us when she is tired, "nigh nigh" She has many new words:
Ball: ba
apple: baple
Blankie: cacker
Her stuffed Lamby: mammy
Toast: Tose
Outside: ousigh
Flower: snhee (not quite sure how to spell the sound she makes)
Tay Tay (her puppy),pretty, and birdie: tee tee
Grandma: mama
She says papa and poppy for her grandpas
Uncle Ray Ray: Re Re
Uncle Tate: Bubba
chips, crackers, or cookies: cacker
Water: wawa
Walk: wa
Please: peas
Sorry: ory
Ouchie: owie
Keys: cakeys
Ducks: gawk gawks
Chickens: bawk bawks
Horse: Horsieya
Bear: br
Love you: ya yao

Her favorite foods are:
any kind of cracker
any kind of fruit mostly apples and bananas
any kind of nut mostly peanuts
sweet and salty peanut bars

She has many Rayni-isms" that just make us laugh! She still furrows her brow just like she did when she was first born. And when she is very serious about something she tilts her head to one side and talks so sweetly like she needs to convince you of what she is saying. She is such a girly girl like her mama. But loves to be rough and tumbly and watch "baball" (football) with her dada. She is very active with non-stop energy. Her giggles put a smile on our face. She is our joy!

Here are some fun pictures taken this summer!

This summer I made it a goal to exercise more. So every morning Rayni and I went on a 2 mile walk. I loved spending this time with her. Rayni loves nature and animals. The best part of our walk is that we walk by a home that has a Minnie farm. A few goats, chickens, lambys, and some horses. Whenever we would turn the corner by the house Rayni would start bocking (like a chicken) She could sit there all day and just stare at them.

We love going to 25th street in Ogden and see the horses line the street. While we were at one of our favorite restaurants "Roosters" we saw this horse out front. It was beautifully painted to look like a rooster. Rayni couldn't stop saying, "horsieya"

The 4th of July is one of my favorites! I was super excited because Rayni was old enough to know what was going on this time. I tried my hand at making her a romper. I had the pattern according to her age. However, when I was finished it was not long enough by 3 inches. I have one tall little girl. Our little super model. After all was fixed it turned out pretty cute.

Rayni and Dada watching the parade

standing on the side lines with her little buddy Kayson. He is so sweet with her... Gave her lots of candy and protected her from the other crazy kids diving for candy.

Give this girl a hose and she is happy for a very long time!


Annual fireworks at the Welch's around the 24th. I was really nervous about doing this. It was her first time seeing big fireworks. A couple of days leading up to the 4th our neighborhood was crazy with fireworks every night. On the 3rd it was out of control. They woke her up, when I went in there she was shaking and saying, "mama" over and over. Dada took her out on the porch to show her what the sound was. She got a little used to them but she starts doing this nervous goofy laugh when she gets concerned but tries to be barve. It is so sweet but sad at the same time. The next Moring I went in to get her and she had thrown up from being so scared. Poor thing! But she actually did a lot better at the big ones than we expected. Lots of fun and great memories at the Welch's!

Rayni has been obsessed with apples lately. She just L.O.V.E.S them. One day she asked for them ALL DAY LONG! I think it is because of the heat. She is a fruit-a-holic!

Rayni is always getting into my things. She found my "un-mentionable" drawer and put this on. Came out saying, "mama tee tee (pretty)" I just love her! She is always trying to be like me. Wants my jewelry, makeup, clothes, headbands, and anything else. But I can't help but love it! I love that she is girly like her mommy!

Went to the fair. If there are animals she is one HAPPY girl.

She has been obsessed lately with putting swim diapers on her feet and up her legs. She is so goofy!


Rayni had her first medical drama moment. She was having a problem with her knee giving out on her. She would go through stages that she could hardly walk. We hd to get an Xray. I would not wish that on anyone. It was the worst! It took 2 nurses and me to hold her down to do the Xrays. She was screaming!!!! I hope I never have to do that again! Made me really think about how blessed I am to have a healthy baby girl. There are so many sick babies out there that have to go through much worse than an Xray... and my heart goes out to them and their parents. Luckily it wasn't anything too serious. She had fluid around her growth plate above her knee which is a sign of injury. There wasn't much they could do but keep our eye on it. Luckily she hasn't had anymore episodes and we are HOPING it has passed!.


Loves to help me cook! Helping mama make banana bread



We love Grammy Lou. Surprised her at work. And of course Grammy has lots of treats to spoil her granddaughter with!



We love driving towards Brigham City on the old highway and stopping at the fruit stands. Rayni loves fruit so she was one happy camper taking some home. I craved watermelon throughout all of my pregnancy, it's a no wonder she loves it so much!


All I have ever wanted in my life was a little girl to call my own! I love this little girl so much! There are many days that she drives me crazy but every time I hear, "mama" or I get a kiss, or her arms wrapped around my neck I am reminded just how truly lucky I am to have her in my life!