September 16, 2006 was the happiest day of my life up until that moment. I always wanted to get married in the "castle". And I had made the decision at a very young age that the temple was the only place for me to get married. I was so grateful that I lived up to that decision and was able to be worthy to marry in the temple. I am so grateful that the man I fell in love with made the decision to get worthy to marry in the temple. It was such a happy happy day! Being surrounded by our family and friends that truly care and love us.
My hubbie is the most amazing person I know! He has been through so much Throughout his life and always seems to come out better on the other side. He has shown me what it means to work hard, how to be independent, how to trust, how to love, and how to care for someone more than I could have ever imagined! Everyday he shows me how much he loves me. We have had out share of dumb fights and we have said and done things we shouldn't have, but at the end of the day we vow to try harder next time and to show each other just how much we truly love each other. I always tell him that one of my most favorite times of the day is when I get to be snuggled and and wrapped in his arms as I fall asleep every night.
I wouldn't have been able to make the decision to be worthy without the help of my loving parents. I will never forget sitting in the brides room of the temple with my mama after she had helped me get all ready, waiting for our turn to go meet with Zach. We were sitting there silent for a little bit... then tears started streaming down our faces and we held hands. No words were said but now that I am a mom I know what she was feeling. I's sure she was happy that I was getting married at the temple, she was worried that I was too young, she was sad that she was loosing me, she was probably overwhelmed with the sweet spirit that I too felt while sitting there. I will always cherish that moment. And I can't wait for that moment to be shared between Rayni and I. But at the same time I can wait because I don't want her to grow up:)
My mom taught me to forgive and to always love no matter how difficult. I have used that in my marriage so much!
My dad was also a huge part in helping me to get there too. He taught me how to ask for forgiveness and that if I work hard I can accomplish anything! After we were sealed for all eternity we were able to hug our parents. Zach later told me that my dad whispered in his ear, "treat her better than I did!" My dad has always treated me like his princess. Just the other day Zach asked if I remembered that he told me that, So I know that he thinks about it often and tries to live up to that statement the best he can.
There have been great things that have happened this past year of being married:
We bought our first house
We had our first baby, Miss Rayni Lou Hoo, who is the joy in our lives!
Zach got a new position in the Drug and Alchol program that has greatly blessed the lives of others
That is not that much but the 2nd thing has consumed our lives and so not much room for anyhting else... and we wouldn't want it any other way.
Things we have been working on this year:
We have grown together and have worked on building a stronger relationship with each other and our father in heaven.
We have been working on being more spiritual and recognizing Heavenly Father's hand in everything around us.
We have been working on being good examples to Rayni in everything we do.
Years from now when Rayni is reading this I want her to know how much her parents loved each other, how much we love her, what kind of man she should marry by her father's example, and what kind of wife and mommy she can be by always trying her best!
I have learned that as the years continue that it can only get better from here. It can only get better because I have my hubbie and I am sealed to him for all eternity. Then it got better because I got my baby and I am sealed to her for all eternity as well. I don't know what else may come... I know there may be hardships and trials. But I have everything I need: my hubbie, my baby, my family, my friends, and my testimony to get my through what every may come.
Love you my hub-a-lub!
Thanks for sticking with me and always being there for me. You are the best hubbie and the best daddy that two girls could ask for!
Our anniversary date to the Cheescake Factory
(one happy girl)
Our favorite thing to eat Chicken Bellagio
And this I would kill for! Limoncello creme torte
To die for!!!