I know I say this every month... but I can't believe my baby is 6 months! I can't believe that it has been half a year since i held this little miracle in my arms for the first time. I can't believe how much of a little person she has turned into. I can't believe that I get to feel this joy every day for the rest of my life. These past 6 months have truly been the best!
Her stats:
Weight 15.10 pounds (40th)
Height 27 inches (90th)
Rayni has continued on the track of "over achiever" so far in everything that she is doing. She no longer can be left alone for no more than 2 seconds because you may find her behind the T.V like I did the other morning. She is trying so so hard to crawl but hasn't quite figured out how to get her hands to move forward with her knees. She first started out doing a headstand with feet on the floor, then a plank, then she learned to drop her knees, now she is trying to figure out the hand part. It is like her feet and her legs are having a battle. So she has givin' up on moving her hands now she moves like an inch worm. Tucks her knees up under her then falls forward on her chest then tucks and falls along the floor. She totally gets around like a pro and is getting into EVERYTHING! We are constantly moving things that she can't get into. Baby proofing the house here we come!
Her vocab consists of mama and dada, and some gibberish/singing. She squeals, has started to giggle a bit. Before she would just open her mouth really wide but no laughing would come out. Now she is getting the giggle in there. I love the baby giggles and can't wait till she is really laughing. I think I have mentioned before that we can already tell that she is going to be a little spit fire... well it has become even more evident that this is going to be the case. She has a little attitude and is a little bit of a drama queen. She is so stubborn and sassy. I recently was chatting with my mom over email after being frustrated over Rayni not wanting to eat and saying how stubborn she was. My mom commented back, "Hmmm I wonder who she takes after?" NOT ME;) the truth is that if she is anything like her stubborn mom or her stubborn dad we are in for a ride!
She has figured out a scream that she does when trying to get our attention or getting frustrated. If she bups something with her head or any part of her body it is a full blown cry, she coughs in the middle and looks and you with big crocodile tear filled eyes. She knows how to work her audience!
My family is all saying that they think she is going to be our little dancer. She is always pointing her toes, gracefully lifting her legs in the air, stands on her toes, and on occasion when rolling over goes into the splits. As a parent you oftentimes think about what your child is going to be when they grow up. Of course I say she is going to be a singer/actress. Zach says she is going to be a golfer or a tennis player. But I think she has plans of her own to be a dancer. She will be great at whatever she does.
We have been doing cereal but recently added peaches: she did ok with them seems to like them ok, bananas: doesn't want anything to do with them, and applesauce: seems to like ok. We tried bananas after a week or so break and she seemed a little better with them. I still have to hide her food in cereal. My email that I talked about above was the day that I tried bananas for the first time. She took one bite then after that she clamped her mouth shut. She loves to sing so I tried to get her to sing with me but she discovered that as soon as she opened her mouth the spoon would go in. So singing wouldn't work. Then she started singing and talking to me with her mouth shut. Little smarty stubborn pants!
I was cleaning the house the other day and was loving that all over my house was a mess of girly things! there were dresses on the floor, little shoes, lotion, bracelets and necklaces (She loves to chew on them) frilly jammies, headbands, pink teddy bear, and many more pink/glittery/girly stuff. It makes me so happy that I get to be a mommy to a little girl. I of course would love to have a boy one day but right now being a mommy to a girl is the best!
My other love is that when she is having her last bottle for the night, towards the end I have to sing a little ditty that my Grammy sings to all her grandkids in order for her to finish. While I sing she hums along with me while she eats. If I stop she stops eating, as soon as I start singing again she starts eating. So silly but I love that she loves that!
She is such a joy and we couldn't imagine our life without her!
Enjoy some pics of the past month:
Rayni and her best friend (he doesn't know it yet)
oh snuggles
The many faces of Lou Lou
headstand (sorta)
she loves her daddy
This little chica is a CRAZY sleeper. She is always trying to get out of her jamajams.
Arm out and twisted all the way around
Arm almost out, foot out of feeted jamajams. My little Houdini.
Gave up on the jamajams and just tried a diaper but she managed to get half way out of that too. Good thing I checked on her before i went to bed or we could have had a serious mess.
One of her dancing moves
The end...
no butts about it I love this girl!
She will love this when she is older;)